The Phases
Scientific studies shows that for every 8 weeks of physical training, it is beneficial to take 1 week of rest, also known as a ‘De-load week’.
This helps to prevent overtraining and gives time to realign your journey to your own personal fitness goals.
Each complete phase = 9 weeks total.
Working Weeks : 12.11 - 21.12
Deload Week: 22.12 - New Years Day
*Please note the final Phase of the year is generally shorter due to end of year festivities.
Working Weeks: 1.1 - 24.2
De-load Week: 25.2 - 2.3
Working Weeks: 3.3 - 27.4
De-load Week: 28.4 - 4.5
Working Weeks: 5.5 - 29.6
De-load Week: 30.6 - 6.7
Working Weeks: 7.7 - 31.8
De-load Week: 1.9 - 7.9
Working Weeks: 8.9 - 2.11
De-load Week: 3.11 - 9.11
Working Weeks : 10.11 - 21.12
De-load Week: 21.12 - New Years Day
*Please note the final Phase of the year is generally shorter due to end of year festivities.